I've been trying to rid our house of the following harmful foods:
1) white flour
2) white sugar
3) high fructose corn syrup
4) hydrogenated oil
And its not an easy job. One of the hardest things to find at the store is quality bread. So, I checked out the bread at the local co-op, and honestly I still wasn't sure what was in the bread. There were so many ingredients that I didn't recognize, that I was unsure about, and it was $5 a loaf.
So I decided there was no getting around it. It was time to make bread. And it turned out great. My family ate the first loaf in just 3 days ... the good news is I made 4 loaves at once.
The recipe I made was from a blog online called Passionate Homemaking. The lady who writes this blog had complete directions - including how to soak your grains in Kefir overnight for added benefit. Which I did. The recipe is here. The only thing I did different is that I did not use any white flour - only wheat flour - so ours is a lot heavier and denser than the bread you see in her picture. And I also added flax seed and sesame seeds.
So instead of buying bread at the co-op, I bought bulk organic wheat flour, wheat gluten, and honey. It is good, basic wheat bread. The children, especially Jasper, love it. And in total it cost me about $6 to make these 4 loaves.
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